Why are Cats Associated with Halloween?


Why are Cats Associated with Halloween?

As the nights grow longer, Halloween creeps even closer. Cats are one of the most popular Halloween symbols and for a good reason. They’re mysterious, mischievous, and often associated with the supernatural. You can find all sorts of cat-related things during Halloween. Whether it is Halloween costumes or Halloween decorations. But why exactly are cats associated with Halloween? History In medieval times, cats were often believed to be witches’ magical companions. They believed that the cat was either just a trusty companion or that cats were shapeshifting witches. As a result, people were afraid of cats, and they believed that...

Best Cat Toys For Indoor Cats


Best Cat Toys For Indoor Cats

Hello, fellow cat lovers! We all know that cats are naturally curious and love to explore, but when they’re indoors, it’s essential to keep them happy and engaged. That’s where cat toys come into play. Here is a list of different cat toy types, each with its unique features and benefits. These are all aimed at keeping our furry friends entertained and satisfied. Melody Toys These toys have various sounds in them, mimicking the melodies of different birds. When your cat taps them, these toys activate a symphony of bird sounds, bringing a touch of nature into your home. Your...
